Personal Documentation
- All pages of 3 years personal tax returns including copies of W’2 , 1099, and K-1 statements
- Complete 1003 loan application and real estate addendum on line
- Copy of driver’s license and social security cards
- Most recent bank statements, brokerage accounts, and retirement accounts
- Most recent pay stub
Additional documentation applicable to transaction
- Copy of purchase agreement and earnest money receipt
- Copy of most recent mortgage statement billing
- Property insurance company declaration with premium amount
- Divorce and separation agreement
- Gift letter and bank account from which the funds are provided
- Real estate tax bill
- Rent roll
- Year to date profit and loss
Business Documentation for corporations, L.L.C.’s and sub-s corporations
- All pages 3 year tax returns including K-1’s
- Year to date profit and loss
- Copy of most recent mortgage tax bill
- Copy of lease agreement
- Rent roll